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Runes Stones and Rock Carvings


Sculptured Sandstone at Husaby Church, Västergötland, Sweden



Sculptured Sandstone at Husaby Church, Västergötland, Sweden. Skulpterad sandsten från Husaby kyrka.



  Sculptured Sandstone at Husaby Church, Västergötland, Sweden

At Husaby churchyard was in 1888 this 66 cm high and 30 cm wide sandstone found. It had proably been a part of a gravestone or a memorial. It is now mounted in the porch. The stone has several inscriptions in the front side. Thus, only one has been interpreted (NB. this was written in 1893). On one of the cross-arms, the word pius can be read. The signs in the middle seem to be meaningless. Also the meaning of the runes is unknown



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  © 2008 Lars Henriksson. Updated: 2010-01-11.