Fältballong m/30 och m/32 (Kite balloon, model 1930 and model 1932)

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In 1926, the Balloon Company at Frösunda was disbanded. Their equipment was taken over by Royal Smålands Army Artillery Regiment (A 6) in Jönköping. A 6 was a heavy equipped, motorized regiment and considered balloons still useful for artillery observation, even if the aircraft became more and more efficient. It was decided that A 6 should organise all the necessary balloon training for the Swedish Defence.
Two new kite balloons of similar design were provided to A 6. They were again deliveries from Riedinger in Augsburg. One, the m/30, which first was stationed in Boden for a time, had volume of 1150 m3. The other, the m/32, was larger. With its volume of 1400 m3 it was the the largest one ever used by the Swedish Army. It was delivered to A 6 in Jönköping as late as in 1932. The design was influenced by the French Caquot type and made the balloons to very stable in the air.
However, the balloons had become obsolete for artillery spotting. Their mission was taken over by light aircraft. It was now just a few years left to WWII. The m/32 was used for the first and last time during exercises together with the artillery in summer 1934. During the exercises it ascended 71 times up in the air.
This picture is a (very retouched) photo of a model of the m/32 from the A 6 War Museum (A 6 Försvarsmuseum) in Jönköping.



Military Aviation in Sweden - main page

© Lars Henriksson

Updated 2010-07-24