Since ancient days there
have been people that have equipped themselves with “wings” of different
models and then jumped from a tower or another high place. Their intention
was to fly; the result was usually a quick death. These persons was
usually called “tower-jumpers”.
The Austrian-born tailor Franz Reichelt was a relative modern
tower-jumper. He made his jump in 1912, several years after the first
engine-powered flight. Reichelt was 33 years old when he, dressed in a
suit that he hoped would act as a parachute, jumped from the Eiffel tower.
Not from the top, but from the tower’s first platform 60 meters over the
ground. The fall took five seconds.
A Swedish newspaper (see the clipping to the right) wrote about the event:
“The man who jumped from the Eiffel tower and killed himself.
A tailor with the name Reichelt jumped on the 4th
of February from the first platform of the Eiffel tower to test one of him
invented parachute dress for aviators. The dress did not work, and
Reichelt got his back broken and died immediately. His fall was so hard
that the body bounced on the frozen ground before the eyes of the
horror-struck spectators.”