Category 10 - Olaus Magnus - History of the
Nordic Peoples (from 1555) - Illustrations with comments - Page 2 |
Illustrationer med förklaringar
till Olaus Magnus "Historia om de nordiska folken" (utgiven år 1555) |
Book 1, Ch.
The woodcut shows two clocks with works and faces. The
clock-face to the left has Arabic numerals, the other numerals of Latin
type. At bottom (in the middle) is a sundial formed as a semicircle. The
text numerals of runes.
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 33.
Time Measurement with Shadows.
In the north the sun never rise high above the horizon. In many places you
can see the sun just over mountain tops at fixed times every day. The
woodcut illustrates this simple way to measure the time.
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 34.
Rune Staffs.
This woodcut shows a father teaches
his son and a
mother teaches
her daughter how to use
and read rune staffs.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 1, Ch.
On the Signification of Thunderstorms for Every Specific
The round ribbon in the middle symbolizes the year. We recognize the
months (A = April, M = May, I = June etc.). The winter months give much
snow and a little of thunderstorms. The summer months give rain and
thunder. At bottom two wise men with rune staffs.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 1, Ch.
Alphabet of the Geats.
Olaus Magnus shows here the rune alphabet used in Sweden of the Geats and
also of the Swedes. The author uses the designation “Alphabetum Gothicum”.
1300 x 600 px. |
2, Ch.
Burning Water.
The woodcut shows a landscape from Iceland. To the left a lake “burning of
fire and sulphur” and to the right a volcano.
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 2.
Strange Properties of Some Mountains.
We see three volcanoes in Iceland: Hekla, Kreusberg (?) and Helgafjell.
three hot sources. 1300 x 600 px |
Ch. 3.
Visions of Shadows of Drowned Men.
To the left a depiction of the Cathedral of Skalholt with gravestones
below. To the right shadows of five drowned men. To the extreme right a
wrecked ship with two drowning men in the sea.
About. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 4.
Frightening Sounds from Shore Caverns.
We see the mountain Skuluberget in the northern Swedish province
Ångermanland. Skuluberget lies at the Höga Kusten (High Coast) area,
placed at
UNESCO's World Heritage List. In reality the mountain is
only 294 m high, but Olaus Magnus writes that the top is covered with snow
the whole year. The woodcut shows it as reaching over the clouds. In the
shoreline there are rifts in the rock causing terrible noises. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 5.
On a Rock, Namned the Sea Monk.
The woodcut shows a rock in shape of a monk’s frock which is situated
in the
south of the main part of the Faeroe Islands. The Sea Monk (in Danish “Munken”)
has a safe harbour. To the right we see a wrecked ship. At the island
above a raven.
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 6.
On the Crowned Cliff and the Richness of Fish Near it
To the left is the cliff
Bjuröklubb, the most eastern part of the province
of Västerbotten. Olaus Magnus described
the top of the cliff seen from distance as a crown with three points.
Around the cliff are flat rocks where fish are dried,
which also is seen on the woodcut. Six seals surround
a small island.
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 7.
the Maelstrom and the Tides of the Ocean.
The dangerous Maelstrom is according to Olaus Magnus located between the
islands of Röst and Lofoten at the Norwegian coast. Note that Röst in
reality is situated south of Lofoten.
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 8.
On Whirlpools and the Remarkable Nature of Ice.
The woodcut shows Iceland surrounded by drift ice. Sounds are heard from
the ground when the ice break against the sharp rocks at the coast.
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 10.
Ships Wrecked at the Coasts of Greenland.
We see a
shipwreck outside the
coast of Greenland. On shore there are two houses built of whale bones. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 11A.
On the
dwarfs of Greenland and the rock of Hvitsark.
On south Greenland we see a dwarf fight with a normal man. At top a whale
bone house. To the right the rock Hvitsark
which according to Olaus Magnus lies in the Denmark sound between
Greenland and Iceland. On this rock a compass rose is carved in the stone
with lines and circles filled with lead.
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 11B.
More on the
same subject (Greenland).
At top two cranes with candles in their beaks illustrating an old Swedish
locution (tranan bär ljus i säng). The rest of the woodcut illustrates the
old tale of the dwarfs of Greenland and their constant fights against
hordes of cranes. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 12.
On the Vast
Depths of the Norwegian Coasts.
To the left we see a ship approaching the coast. A sailor is sounding the
depth. The anchor is hanging ready at the bow. To the right a man is
standing on the shore, also sounding the depth with a line provided with a
large lead weight. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 13.
On Harbours Provided with Iron Rings
The woodcut illustrates the approach to Bergen. The cathedral is seen to
the right. A lot of the rocks are fitted with mooring rings of iron. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 14.
On the
Hazardous Passage over the Mountains Skars and Sula between Norway and
To the left four men armed with crossbows. Two travellers are seen in this
wild country. The one in the middle leads a packhorse, the one to the
right rides a horse.
Note that they travel unarmed. A reindeer and a bird are seen among the
high mountains (fjell/fjäll).
1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 15.
On Statues in the Snowy Mountains.
We see the pilgrim route between Nidaros (Trondheim) in Norway and
Jämtland in Sweden. High stone statues, donated by ancient pious Norwegian
kings, are raised along the route. At bottom left a monk. In the middle a
man armed with a sword and spear leads a packhorse. To the right a man,
probably a Lap, on skis and with bow and arrow. . 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 16.On
Glow-worms are flying around the trees in the darkness. Torches of decayed
oak bark are placed along the route. A man with an axe and a crossbow
travels along the way. At bottom left a river with a rowing boat and a
fisherman. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 17.
Lighting and Torches of Kindling.
A man and a woman carry torches in their mouths in order to have both
hands free. The man seems to come from an outside pantry with a can of
beer and a basket with food. The woman is spinning with a distaff. She
carries spare torches in her belt. A dog is sleeping in the background. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 18. On
the Flooding of Streams.
The woodcut shows the two Swedish rivers Indalsälven (top) and Ljungan
(below). It is spring and the annual flood from the melting snow in the
mountains destroys houses and trees. Even a church is hit.
1300 x 600 px. |
2, Ch. 19.
On Three Famous Lakes in
Olaus Magnus shows us a chart with the Swedish lakes Vänern, Vättern and
Mälaren. At Vättern (Veter) we can see the monastery of Vadstena. Vänern (Vener)
has its outlet to the left via river Göta Älv. Symbols for iron- copper-
and silver mines can be seen above Mälaren (Meler). The castle at the
bottom right symbolizes Stockholm. The chart is drawn with
north-west upwards. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 20.
On Rocky Caves as
Treacherous Haunts.
The lake is Vänern. To the left Trollhättan with its large and noisy
waterfalls. The church with one tower represents the town of Lidköping,
while the church with two towers is the cathedral of Skara. Two robbers
with crossbows leaves their cave in order to attack two unarmed civil
horse riders. To the right a soldier with a lance. 1300 x 600 px. |
Ch. 21.
On the
Ancient, Glorious Royal Castle of Årnäs (Aranäs) in Västergötland.
The castle of Årnäs (in earlier days Aranäs)
is today only a ruin, located on the south shore of Lake Vänern. On the
woodcut we see it
in old days. The
main gate at
the front is
the only existing entrance to the land side. To the left the swamps on the
south side of the castle. At the water side, the castle is surrounded by
wooden bars, held together with chains. 1300 x 600 px |
Ch. 23.
On the Island of Öland in Götaland, it’s
Beauty and its Fertility.
The woodcut shows Öland.
The southern part is to left in the picture and the north to the right. We
see how the island is built up of layers of limestone. The castle on
Öland is Borgholm. The mainland is a part of Småland. Two crossbows are
seen. The arms of this
province consist of
a lion carrying a crossbow. The castles
are to the left is
Kalmar, to the right Stäkeholm. The crowned rock
jungfrun” (“the Blue Virgin”). This cliff was believed to be a place where
witches had
meetings with the devil.
1300 x 600 px |
Ch. 24.
On the
Renowned Geatish Island of Gotland.
Gotland in the Baltic Sea is shown from the
east. The castle to the right represents the old Hanseatic town of Visby
with is ring-wall.
1300 x 600 px |
Ch. 25.
On Royal
of Arms Cut in the Rocks at Hangö.
In the middle the harbour of Hangö on the
south coast of Finland. The castle to left is the old bishop’s residence
at Kustö. The coat of arms from left: Sture, Roos, Tott, Gyllenstjerna,
Svealand, Götaland, Vasa, Natt och Dag and Läma.
1300 x 600 px |
Ch. 26.
On Crystals and Magnets.
Snow falls down from the clouds. The sound
waves from the mountains illustrate magnetic phenomena in the ground. Nine
barrels are seen to the left, unknown why. To the right a lake (or the
open sea) with ice floes.
1300 x 600 px |
Olaus Magnus
"Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus" (History of the Nordic Peoples),
published in Rome 1555. |
Page 2 |
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© 2007 Lars Henriksson |
2013-02-09 |