Category 10 - Olaus Magnus - History of the
Nordic Peoples (from 1555) - Illustrations with comments - Page 6 |
Illustrationer med förklaringar
till Olaus Magnus "Historia om de nordiska folken" (utgiven år 1555) |
Book 7, Ch.
On the
Command of the
Mobilized People.
A crowd of armed men is coming from the left. They are carrying swords,
crossbows and quivers with arrows. Their leader (in the centre of the
woodcut) is holding a halberd, a bow and a sabre in his hands. The
captain, in full armour, is standing to the right. He is listening to a
man who probably gives him valuable information.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 8. On Fighting at
the Coast.
The Swedish defenders are ready to meet an enemy coming from the sea. The
Swedes are waiting in camouflaged positions. The leader blows a signal
with a horn. Arrows stick out of the bushed.
1300 X 600 px. |
Book 7,
Ch. 10. On Beacons on the Mountains in Times of War.
Olaus Magnus writes in this chapter: ”In this
picture are two things to be observed:
one on the mountain tops, namely the smoking fires of amassed wood,
intended to prevent attack of the approaching fleet; the other the crowd
of riders in the mountain passes, keeping a sedulous watch, that the enemy
may not go ashore.” The three mountains has each a guard station with
soldiers armed with halberds, spears and bows. The riders in the
foreground have suits of armour and lances.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 12. On Fighting
in the Forests.
The defenders have made a jam of logs to trap the enemy. To the left we
can see cannon muzzles and archers among the defenders. In the background
trees with deep cuts trough the trunks. The trees are connected to a
strong rope. When the enemy (right) has ridden into the trap, the trees
are pulled down and prevent escape..
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 14. On
Treacherous Arrows and Iron Spikes. The infantry, armed with crossbows,
shoots their arrows at the enemy riders in a steep angle and at long
distance. We realize this as the riders have not yet lowered their lances.
The arrowheads are of iron and will make great damage to the enemy when
falling down from high altitude. The iron spikes on the ground are also
very dangerous to the horsemen.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 16. On Slings
for Stones and Red-hot Iron.
This scene is probably from the siege of Västerås in Sweden 1521-1522. The
Swedish forces has taken the town and is now attacked by the Danes. On the
woodcut we see the town burning. To the left a man with a sling throwing a
stone. The man in the middle is throwing a red-hot iron ball with his
sling and the man to the right takes another ball out of the furnace with
a pair of tongues. The river is Svartån.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 17. On Large
("Hundred Men") Burning Stacks of Logs.
A crowd of peasants are attacking the castle of a cruel bailiff. They are
rolling two large burning stacks of logs against it. The favourable wind
conditions are indicated in the upper left corner of the woodcut. The
stacks of log will eventually set the castle ablaze and until this happens
it protects the men which are rolling it forward.
1310 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 19. On Sharp
Poles, Missiles and Treacherous Pitfalls.
Olaus Magnus tells about how clever the population in the North is
to defend itself against an attacking enemy. On the illustration we see a
troop of cavalry which has been trapped in a pit full of obstacles. One
horse is falling down on his fore legs. To the left local defenders with
bows and arrows.
1320 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 20. On the
Stratagem with Tree Branches of King Hake.
This woodcut illustrates the old legend of Hake, king of the Geathish, and
his war against Denmark and king Sigar. In a way like when the Birnam wood
came to Dunsinane in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, king Hake’s troops (to
the left) masked themselves with branches of trees with leaves on. In this
disguise they advanced towards Sigar’s castle. In his castle king Sigar is
playing backgammon. This has probably connection to another old legend,
the one about the backgammon playing king who prohibited, on death
penalty, all unpleasant news.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 21. On the
Punishment of Hostile Fire-Raisers.
Also in this chapter Olaus Magnus tells about a war
between Denmark and Sweden. King Sven of Denmark has started an implacable
war. He murdered and burnt with no consideration
for the concession made by the local population. At wintertime in the
Finnveden district king Sven and some Danish noblemen rested in a barn
where a drinking bout was held. Here the local
peasants got their revenge. The crowd made a surprise attack against the
drunken Danes. We see the peasants to the left with bows and arrows. To
the right the burning barn with the Danish knights. The river Nissan
floats in the foreground. Danish soldier are drenched in holes in the ice.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 23. How the
Coasts of Iceland are Defended.
Olaus Magnus tells about Iceland and how the naive inhabitants on the
island are tricked by deceitful foreign merchants. Therefore the
Icelanders have raised a force of riders to protect the people. On the
illustration we see three of them riding in full armour and with lances.
We also see silhouettes of people dwelling in primitive homes in the
ground. 1300 x 600 px. |
Book 7, Ch. 24. On Guarding
in Wartime of the Shores of Lake Mälaren in upper Svealand.
The woodcut shows a part of Lake Mälaren in Sweden. In the lake are seen
the dangerous skerries ”Kycklingarna (The Chickens)” and ”Hönan (the Hen)”
which are mentioned in Olaus Magnus’ text. Enemy ships are approaching the
coast from the right. On the shore stand defenders ready. They are armed
with crossbows and lances.1300 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch 1. On Elections
of Kings.
By tradition since the middle age the Swedish kings were elected at Mora
Thing, held at Mora Äng about 10 km south-east of Uppsala. The picture
shows how a just elected king has climbed up on the Mora sten (the Stone
of Mora) to be congratulated. On the stone is written in runes ”Mora sten”.
The king has the crown on his head and holds the state regalia - the sword
and the orb - in his hands. The books to the left symbolize the laws of
the state and the provinces. The people to the right are ”councillors,
great men and representatives from all provinces”. 1265 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch. 5. On the
Adoption of Prominent Men by Handing Over Weapons.
Olaus Magnus shows how Theoderik, king of Goths (not from Scandinavia),
followed the old tradition to adopt a ”son of weapons” (adopte in arma).
King Theoderik gives the father (the king of the Herules) a horse, a sword
and a shield to confirm the adoption.
1310 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch. 7. On Noble Boys
Upbringing to Warriors.
Two sons of noble birth have since the infant age been hardened to grow up
as good warriors. On this picture we see them, although still very young,
ride on big horses with heavy helmets on their heads. One boy carries a
banner with the Swedish three crowns, the other a rider’s lance. Note the
little bells at the cropped tails of the horses.1330 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch. 9. On the
Selecting of Young Men to Armed Service.
The man in the middle has received a sword with the point first from the
king. Now, with the other hand on the king’s sword, he makes a wow of
fidelity. The king in his turn gives gifts to his new men. The crossbow at
the king’s feet and the shield and the helmet in the background are
examples of such gifts. The man in full armour has just been appointed as
standard-bearer. The king has a crown on his head and wears a cloak of
ermine skin. 1305 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch. 11. On Different
Ages of Warriors.
A young warrior and an older one are riding in a wintry landscape. The
horses wear frost nails. A town is seen in the background. The younger man
seems to ride faster than the older one.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch 13. On the
Military Organization of the Ancient Goths.
Two men with very heavy suits of armour are riding fast forward. To the
left a castle with a guard on a bridge. Underneath him a rider with a
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch 15. On Martial
Exercises and Arts.
Olaus Magnus writes in this chapter about the training of riders in the
northern countries. In their training they ride high horses, wear full
suits of armour and are carrying heavy lances. Preferably the exercises
take place in winter time on slippery ice or on snow-covered fields. In
the picture a fully equipped rider mounts his horse. He is armed with a
sword and a rider’s hammer. The horse has frost nails and a little bell at
the cropped tail. The bell will warn if the horse kick out behind. To the
left in the background infantry and to the right cavalry. 1300 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch 17. On the
Wiliness of Certain Horses.
The horses Olaus Magnus writes about are derived from the Swedish province
Västergötland. These horses ”are as beautiful as ardent and excellent as
warhorses or as draughts”. But they have hard to accept a new master. The
two men and the two horses illustrates this. The both warriors which are
riding the horses have dropped their lances on the ground and have great
problems to sit in the saddles. The man to the left cannot longer keep his
feet in the stirrups. 1330 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch. 19. On Martial
The woodcut shows a classic exercise for riders. Two men in full armour
are trying to pick up gloves from the ground with their lances. The left
warrior has succeeded to do this, but not the one to the right. It is
winter and the horses are wearing frost nails on their hoofs.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch 21. On Many Kinds
of Warriors.
Olaus Magnus mentions four kinds of warriors: 1. Brave and experienced men
with a certain moderation. They fight hard against enemies which make
resistance, but do not pursue the fleeing. 2. Young, hot-headed men which
fight bravely without mercy and do not realize the risks. 3. Men of noble
birth which fear to attack but also feel too ashamed to retire. 4. They
that are the first to flee and the last to fight. The woodcut illustrates
these four categories. The men in the middle belongs to the 1st and 2nd.
The man who is standing inactive to the left to the 3rd while
the man with a halberd to the right belongs to the 4th.
1300 x 600px. |
Book 8, Ch. 26. On the
Sheriffs of the Provinces. The riding patrol consists
of Finnish noblemen. They are all carrying
crossbows and the first man has a mace. According to Olaus Magnus, the
Finns in the eastern border areas has great problems with the” apiaceous
and insidious” Muscovites.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch 27. On the
Harshness and Extortion of Tyrannous Sheriffs.
The woodcut illustrates a tax collection. The sheriff is standing
to the left armed with sword and a rider’s hammer. Together with him
stands three of his men, armed with spears. To the right three men
delivering their taxes to the sheriff. 1270 X 600 px |
Book 8, Ch. 29. Om Evil
Counsellors at Under Aged Princes.
This woodcut illustrates in fact chapter 30, which takes place in Denmark.
The king’s sister, afraid of the king’s savage sons, has escaped to a
sanctuary. We see her at the top left. The cruel Gruel, who the king’s
sister refused to marry, killed all her suitors. Here we see him fastening
their heads on the wall of the sanctuary. To the right is king Frode III
with his advisors Vestmar and Koll. One of this advisors is father to
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch. 34. On How to
Recognize Traitors and How to Protect Yourself Against Them.
1300 x 600 px. |
Book 8, Ch. 36. On the Causes of
the Permanent Hostility that Swedes and Goths Feel Against the Danes.
1300 x 600 px |
Book 8, Ch 40. More on the
Merciless of the Same King (King Christian II of Denmark).
1300 x 600 px |
Book 9, preface. On Land Warfare.
1500 x 2100 px |
Book 9, Ch. 1. On Revolving
Blades on Wheels.
The woodcut shows a war machine of rather unrealistic design. It consists
of a pair of wheels which turn a horizontal shaft trough a cog wheel. At
the front of the shaft three sharp sword-like blades are fitted. Two
soldiers are pushing the machine forward and the idea is of course that
the movement will make the blades to rotate and kill both men and horses
in front them.
1300 x 600 px. |
Olaus Magnus
"Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus" (History of the Nordic Peoples),
published in Rome 1555. |
Page 6 |
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© 2007 Lars Henriksson |
2008-01-13 |