Category 6-9 - Runes - Page 1 |
Arkeologiska fynd i Sverige - Runinskrifter |
Rune Stone
at Hökerum, Ulricehamn, 500x1650 px |
The Valleberga
Stone. Rune stone
in Lund. 500x1050 px |
Stone at Husaby 450x855 px |
Rune Stone
at Svenljunga Old Churchyard 600x1100 px |
Rune Stone
at Vist Church 700x1051 px |
Rune stone
at Rök, Ödeshög 9th century 1488x1094 px |
The Gårdstånga
Stone 3. Rune stone in Lund 800x1000 px |
The Skivarp
Stone. Rune Stone in Lund 600x850 px |
Vallkärra Stone. Rune Stone in Lund 900x1000 px |
Rune Stone
from Kallerstad, Linköping 600x850 px |
Flagstone with Runes at
Saleby 1000x420 px |
Flagstone with Runes at Näs 1000x583 px |
Fragment of
Rune Stone, Borås Museum, 1000-500 px |
Rune Stone
at Södra Ving Church 1000x455 px |
Rune Stone
Gällstad 1000x444 px |
Church Bell
with Runes, Hyssna 800x1000 px |
Church Bell
with Runes, Älvsered Falkenberg 700x1000 px |
Curch Bell
with Runes, Bollebygd 1000x900 px |
Rune Stone
at Skräddargården, Härna, 400x1000 px |
Rune Stone
from Lilla Svenstorp, Tranemo 600x900 px |
Rune Stone
at Humla, Ulricehamn 1000x632 px |
Rune Stone,
Åsakatorp 1000x1000 px |
Rune Stone
at Fänneslunda 850x1000 px |
at Södra Ving Church 870x1000 px |
Rune Stone,
Rävsal, Tjörn. Two images, each 500x900 px |
Kallebystenen,Tanum, Bohuslän 640x800 px |
Rune stone,
Hoga, Stala, Orust 400x900 px |
Rune Stone
at Normanslid, Tranemo 600x1100 px |
Rune Stone
at Hökerum, Ulricehamn, 545x1000 px |
Stone at Herrekvarn, Svenljunga 500x1000px |
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© 2007
Lars Henriksson |
2010-01-18 |